Week 8



Back for another blog! This week i created my lidded project which i planned on switching into a pumpkin but decided not to. I glazed my hand and wheel project which is a black cylinder with a crown.

Week 8



Back for another blog! This week i created my lidded project which i planned on switching into a pumpkin but decided not to. I glazed my hand and wheel project which is a black cylinder with a crown.

Week 6



This week i created my plates which 1 is ready to glaze and the other is on the bisque shelf. I also glazed a couple of my projects which should be ready to go next week for grading.
This week i created a big bowl and 1 out of 2 of the plates. I footed the bowl and it is now sitting on the bisque shelf. I smoothed the edges of the plate but did not give it a foot ring for it was too thin. It is also sitting on the bisque shelf.
This week i created my hand and wheel project. I created a cylinder with and place a hand made crown on the top which is now sitting on the bisque shelf. I also made a plate which broke when i footed it. I also recieved 2 projects that are glazed and will need to glaze my other projects.